Teen Talk Ministry

Mission Statement


The mission of Teen Talk Ministries, Inc is to help teens solve some of the secret issues in there hearts and mind by providing a opportunity for caring teens and professional adults to participate and get involved in the lives of there teens.



Teen Talk Ministry will provide proper leadership class through the adult members and ministers of Teen Talk. Teen Talk is committed to creating a holistic and integrated learning community dedicated to the educational success of each student.

Community Service


All the Teens of Teen Talk Ministry at some point during their membership will visit Saint Jude Hospital and the senior citizen community and volunteer.

Round Table Discussion


Teen Talk Ministry round table discussion is an excellent way for our Teens to talk about all matter of the heart.  This is a long term engagement and has proven to be very effective.

Proper Etiquette


In today's 21st century proper etiquette and protocol is becoming ever more important. A person including children who exhibit proper etiquette and protocol skills not only feels good about him/herself, he or she makes those around them feel important and respected.

Health & Wellness Promotion


"Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death and the leading cause of violence-related death in Georgia. The number of suicides is about 40% greater than the number of homicides each year."  We address the need for better collaboration and identification of needs in the area of suicide prevention.